«Live in a good address, even in the basement. Get yourself seen at all the fashion restaurants, even if only for a drink. And if you borrow money, ask for a lot. »
The man who would later became one of the biggest moguls in the world came to Argentina 17 years with only $250 in his pocket. Working as a telephone operator, he spent almost all his free time in the analysis of financial markets.
With the little gained from speculation he decided to stake everything on a unique business plan: build the public image of winner.
With this as his motto, «Live in a good address, even in the basement. Get yourself seen at all the fashion restaurants, even if only for a drink. And if you borrow money, ask for a lot», in a few months he managed to enter the Buenos Aires society and find mentors who helped him with his first steps.
When he left Argentina, after less than 9 years, he had made his first million dollars and a network of contacts that supported his business plans for life.
(Frase original localizada para elocuent.com por cortesía de Vicente Fernández de Bobadilla).