Storytelling using Movie Heroes, LEGO and the King of napkins
An impressive example of storytelling and visualization by Dan Roam. Inforgraphic reviewing Campbell's"The Hero's Journey" with LEGO and Starwars
Dan Roam and the magic napkin
Using a napking and a pen was never the same after Dan Roam published "The back of the napkin" (En español...
Obama floats prior to speech
Obama is always in control of his image. He controls even the "power stroll" when approaching new events. But this time chance got in the way of this control of non-verbal elements. Shadows give the visual effect of Obama floating in the air.
Yotube killed the Hollywood (and Pop music) Star
Youtubers are already more loved by young people than Hollywood or Pop stars.According to a survey of Variety (@variety) fame and recognition of the youtubers-characters who create and manage from scratch their own thematic video channel - beat in youth segments ("teen") pop singers...
Victor Sánchez del Real
Elocuent ha sido ideado por Víctor Sánchez del Real// más de 25 años de experiencia en el mundo de la comunicación ha desarrollado el método y el concepto sobre el que se asienta Elocuent.Víctor gestiona personalmente algunas tareas de coaching y asesoramiento a figuras...
Onassis and the personal brand
"Live in a good address, even in the basement. Get yourself seen at all the fashion restaurants, even if only for a drink. And if you borrow money, ask for a lot. " Aristóteles Onássis The man who would later became one of the biggest moguls...
All movie quotes as visual graphs
This is a great "tour de force". Turn most famous movie quotes into simple, yet powerful, graphs. They either summarize or explain all these quotes. Some examples Next time you think about communicating with images you can inspire yourself with these. (clik on the image to see...
How to avoid doing a «Michael Bay»
A Hollywood director - Michael Bay - is the star of an amazing run from stage
During the presentation of the new Samsung products in the prestigious fair CES2014 Las Vegas, the last thing everyone could expect was the star role was for a professional...
Welcome to our english site
We have started hard work to bring you all our contents in English.
Starting January 2014 we are going to create all new posts in English , and it may take a while until we get to all the great content Spanish speaking users have...
Welcome to our new english site
Hemos empezado el duro trabajo de traducir todos nuestros contenidos al inglés
Desde enero de 2014 todos nuestros post que sean relevantes a nivel internacional tendrán su versión en inglés. Tardaremos algún tiempo en lograr que todo el gran contenido que han venido aprovechando miles...
A 1984 ad still effective thanks to one single person
1Un anuncio de hace 30 años
With the recent superbowl, the 30th anniversary of an essential advertisement has gone unnoticed.That was mythical ad "Apple 1984?.
On January 24th, Apple Computer will introduce Macintosh. And you'll see why 1984 won't be like "1984"
(El 24 de...