All movie quotes as visual graphs

This is a great "tour de force". Turn most famous movie quotes into simple, yet powerful, graphs. They either summarize or explain all these quotes. Some examples     Next time you think about communicating with images you can inspire yourself with these. (clik on the image to see...

The Times: Bill gates la persona más admirada del mundo

The Times ha anunciado que Bill Gates es la persona más admirada del mundo según una encuesta realizada a 14.000 personas. Resulta curiosa la deriva de otros listados "europeocentristas". Aunque  el estudio se ha realizado en solo algunos países, es representativo estadísticamente para la...

YouTube video killed the Hollywood (and Pop music) Stars

Los Youtubers son ya más queridos por los jóvenes que las estrellas de Hollywood o del Pop.Según una encuesta realizada por Variety (@variety), una de las publicaciones más veteranas en el mundo del espectáculo, la fama y reconocimiento de los denominados youtubers -personajes que...

Churchill: A problem in our times …

"A problem in our times is that people don't seek to be useful, but powerfull" Winston Churchill.      

The impact of the «CEO brand» in a company

A Harvard study has shown that over time the key management, the CEO and "Chief Executive Officer" is becoming more and more important. The study sought to investigate the causes of the increasing attention managers are receiving from investors, the media and the market as...

A 1984 ad still effective thanks to one single person

1Un anuncio de hace 30 años With the recent superbowl, the 30th anniversary of an essential advertisement has gone unnoticed.That was mythical ad "Apple 1984?. [youtube] On January 24th, Apple Computer will introduce Macintosh. And you'll see why 1984 won't be like "1984" (El 24 de...

Debate Europeas 2014 en EsRadio: analizamos a los dos oradores

Elocuent colabora como experto en mediosElocuent de nuevo ayuda a los grandes medios a analizar la comunicación, los oradores y las marcas en los hechos informativos más importantes: debates, elecciones, presencias de altas instituciones en medios, anécdotas...En la Tertulia de Dieter de EsRadio del...

The TImes, Bill Gates is most admired person in the World

The Times has announced  Bill Gates  is the most admired person in the world. Gates tops world popularity poll. ill Gates, the co-founder of Microsoft and a billionaire philanthropist, earned more admiration than Barack Obama, Vladimir Putin and the Pope to claim the title. In...

Benjamin Franklin’s daily routine

Beginning the day with an objective and ending the day with review of objectives. That seems to be the trick for someone as full of resources as Benjamin Franklin. Rather than long term objectives he concentrated on daily routines "The precept of Order requiring that every...

The true King’s Speech

Was he really that bad? After the triumph of the film "The King's speech" i have been asked many times if everything happened as depicted in the movie. The best solution is to see the original video of the speech that opens the movie and...